(repost of setup, adopted to eXoJCR 1.12)
eXo and GateIn products development based on Maven2 project management. Easiest way to start the development it's to setup right Maven2 project (POM) and its dependencies.
- Java 5 (add JDK executables to the PATH on your system)
- Maven2 (add Maven2 2.2.1 or higher executable to the PATH on your system, )
- Eclipse (optional)
We say that our project name is my-jcrapp (use your name instead of this dummy one).
In empty folder run Maven command:
For Java project:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DgroupId=com.mycompany.exojcr -DartifactId=my-jcrappFor Groovy enabled project:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.groovy.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=gmaven-archetype-basic -DgroupId=com.mycompany.exojcr -DartifactId=my-jcrapp
The commend ask for a project version Define value for version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Press Enter or type your version, it then ask for confirmation - press Enter to agree.
This command creates the project folder named my-jcrapp with ready to use files structure. There are pom.xml, src folder with place for application code and tests. Project model (pom.xml) contains dependencies declaration, here is JUnit only (and Groovy runtime if you're groovy :) ).
eXo JCR dependency
Next, add eXo JCR dependency to the POM.
eXoJCR jar files lives on JBoss Maven2 repository. Add JBoss repo to Maven2 local repositories list: or into settings.xml or directly in the your project POM (add repositories element after the dependencies).
<repositories>Now add the JCR core dependency:
<name>jboss.org repository</name>
<url>http://repository.jboss.com/maven2 </url>
<dependency>If you need JCR Ext features then add this dependency (in fact you need only Ext one, it will points JCR core itself):
<dependency>And it's ready to build!
Build project
Run given command and wait till eXo JCR with its dependencies will be downloaded to your local Maven2 repo (~25Mb):
mvn clean compileand be sure you see BUILD SUCCESSFUL at the end of this execution.
If something goes wrong with the build check all step from the begin and proxy.
Successful? Voi-la, you're ready to eXo JCR development!
Eclipse IDE setup read there.
Several notes about Groovy support in Eclipse.
I have used Groovy-Eclipse plugin of version 2.0.0 (update site). After generation from maven2 project (via mvn eclipse:eclipse) and import into Eclipse I found that Groovy-Eclipse doesn't recognize the project as a Groovy project and as a result the plugin has no sense for development.
Trouble can be fixed by Eclipse project file (.project) manual editing. Add the next line to natures element
and refresh the project.
Another issue with the plugin it's switch to Groovy 1.6.x compiler. Why 1.6? eXoJCR 1.12 bundled with Groovy 1.6.5, it's better to use closer version in IDE.
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